Data Controller

REV'CAR CARAIBES, headquartered at 58 rue THOMAS EDISON - LOT NO 7 - IMM PREMIER REVE - 97122 BAIE MAHAULT, hereinafter referred to as "REV'CAR" or "we" is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

This Policy (and other documents referred to herein) describe what personal information we collect from you and how we process that information.

Personal information we collect from you

We collect personal data from your visits to the Website including, but not limited to, traffic data, location data, weblogs, survey and contact forms, and other communication data, as well as the resources you access. The fact that we collect your personal information will facilitate your visit to the Website in the future as we will be able to offer you relevant Content based on the location from which you access the Site.

We will collect any information you provide us when you use our contact forms. The sharing of your personal data via our contact forms is not a regulatory or contractual requirement. However, please note that the fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory as we need this information to answer your request. Other information or personal data that you share with us when completing our contact forms is at your sole discretion. When you contact us, we record and keep this correspondence. We use your personal data to send you direct marketing communications by email, if you have selected this option in the corresponding form. You can unsubscribe at any time to stop receiving such communications. We may also store cookies.

How do we use your personal information?

Your personal data will be collected and processed for the following purposes: Providing the most appropriate content and resources according to your preferences. Answering your questions and requests when you contact us. Sending you additional information, such as upcoming events or newsletters, that may be of interest to you. Allowing us to create, publish, and improve the Content that is most relevant to you.

Ensuring that the Content provided through the website is presented in the most efficient manner for you and best suited to your device. Allowing you to benefit from the interactive features of our website, whenever you wish. Developing and further improving the website and the systems to better serve you.

Our use of your personal information as described above is permitted by the applicable data protection law, as it is: Necessary for our legitimate interests in the pursuit of the purposes outlined above; these interests cannot, in any situation, prevail over the protection of your private life; In certain cases, necessary to the respect of our legal and regulatory responsibilities, such as the disclosure to the competent authorities, regulators, or public institutions;

In certain cases, necessary for the performance of a task performed in the public interest and, in case of recourse to particular categories of personal data, necessary to establish, exercise, or defend rights in the framework of legal action, or for processing related to personal data that is clearly in the public domain; Under certain circumstances, done with your consent, which you periodically transmit to us when, for example, you agree to receive marketing communications and news by email. We do not make decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling, that produces legal effects concerning you or that significantly affects you.

The retention period of your personal data depends on the purpose of the processing of these data and the tool used for this processing. It is not possible to set out the different data retention periods in a reasonably understandable way in this Policy. The criteria used to determine the applicable data retention period are as follows: we will retain the personal information defined in this policy as long as (1) necessary to achieve the intended purposes, (2) necessary for the purpose of our business relationship with you, (3) you consent to it, and/or (4) as required by applicable data retention laws and regulations.

Third-party communication

In order to facilitate the use of your information and to provide you with content and/or resources, we communicate your data to third-parties. However, this communication will take place only in the following circumstances: Communication to Suppliers, Service Providers: Periodically, we may engage or use other companies to perform certain functions on our behalf. For example, this may be the case for the hosting and/or maintenance of the content of the Website, the provision of certain features on the Site, the provision of marketing services, or the provision, at your request, of financial information.

We are also likely to send your data to training and social action organizations, which are themselves subject to a strict duty of confidentiality.

These suppliers are established in Europe. The third-party recipients with whom we share your data will have access to it only to the extent necessary to perform their functions, and may not use your personal information for any other purpose. These recipients will be subject to contractual confidentiality obligations. At our sole discretion, we may determine that communication be necessary to government or law enforcement agencies as legally required.

IP addresses and cookies

We collect information about your computer, including (where possible) your IP address, operating system, and browser type, for system administration purposes. This is statistical data about the browsing habits and behaviors of our users and does not identify you or any other individual. For the same purpose, we may obtain information related to your general use of the Internet, by using a cookie file deposited and stored on your device. Cookies help us improve the Website and provide better and more personalized content. If you share your computer with others, we advise you not to select the "Remember me" option when it is offered by the Website.

Where is your personal information stored and processed?

As explained above under "Third-party communication," we provide your personal data to suppliers, service providers, or third-party agents. We endeavor to take all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal data is securely processed in accordance with this Policy. Is your personal data transmitted outside the European Union? Your personal information may not be transferred and processed in one or more other countries outside of the European Union.

Data security

Although we are committed to taking steps to protect your personal information, you should be aware that the transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure. We therefore can not guarantee the security of your personal data communicated on the Website or to any third-party and for this reason, any transmission of data is your sole responsibility. We will use strict operational procedures and adequate technical and organizational security measures to prevent unauthorized access, modification, deletion, or transmission of such data.

Your rights Your means of access, rectification, and deletion of your personal information

Under the applicable data protection laws, your rights are as follows: The right to access and obtain a copy of your personal data: You are entitled to request confirmation that we are processing any personal information about you. If this is the case, you can access your personal data and some information about how it is being processed. In some cases, we will be able to provide you with an electronic copy of your data upon request. The right to rectify your personal data: If you can show that the information we hold concerning you is incorrect, you may request that it be updated or otherwise rectified.

The right to be forgotten/right to delete data: In certain circumstances, you are entitled to request the deletion of your personal data. You can make this request at any time and REV'CAR will decide what to do next. However, this right is subject to any rights or obligations that may be assigned to us by law, in terms of data retention. When we determine, in accordance with the law, that your request is admissible, REV'CAR will proceed to the deletion of your personal data as soon as possible. The right to portability of some of the data you have transmitted to us.

The methods of exercise of these rights are done by: Contacting us is the simplest solution You can send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to our postal address: 58 rue THOMAS EDISON - LOT NO 7 - IMM PREMIER REVE - 97122 BAIE MAHAULT The form to be completed ([click here] ( specifying the subject as: personal data Insofar as the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you also have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. The withdrawal of your consent will not affect the legality of any treatment based on your consent that would have been made prior to such withdrawal. You may also file a complaint about the processing of your personal data with the local authority in charge of data protection, the French National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CNIL).

Marketing communication

We will only send you communication for marketing purposes, by email, if you have given your consent. In principle, a check box will be present in the forms we use to collect your personal information. Checking this box means that you agree to receive marketing communications. If marketing communications are sent to you by e-mail and you no longer wish to receive such communications, you can unsubscribe by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the email. You can also exercise your right of unsubscription at any time by contacting us through this form and providing the following information: your name, your email address, your telephone number, and the marketing communications that you no longer wish to receive.

Changes to this Policy

The terms and conditions of this Policy may be amended from time to time. Any significant changes to this Policy will be posted on this website or communicated to you via any other means available.


Questions, comments, and inquiries regarding this Policy are welcome and should be addressed to us by completing the form that corresponds to your request.